Krista Heindel is the newest member to the Elite Edge Team! She is a great addition and is proving to be a valuable asset to our growing business. Krista Graduated from Boise State University in 2012 and obtained her EIT certification in 2013. She is contributing to our latest adventures with the Clif Bar project with her positive attitude and technical knowledge. Her involvement in the project will be a driving force to meeting the fast track schedule. Cheers to Krista and welcome her to our team!
Elite Edge Engineers Is Excited About the Next Big Project!
Right on the heels of receiving an ACEC National Recognition Award for the design of the last big project in Twin Falls, Elite Edge Engineers is excited to provide the structural engineering for the new Clif Bar Facility in Twin Falls. The design and construction team members for this project are the best in the business and great to work with.
Check out what the media is saying about this new, exciting facility that Clif Bar is creating.
Elite Edge Engineers Wins ACEC Engineering Excellence National Recognition Award
Lisa (Elite Edge Engineers) is pictured below with Brian Martens (EHM) and Roger Kruger (EHM) accepting the award from ACEC at the Gala in Washington D.C.
The Awards Gala included a presentation of all the award winners to packed ballroom with approximately 700 attendees. Here is our Chobani slide on the “big screen.” It was a proud and exciting moment!
Our poster was proudly displayed during the Annual ACEC Conference. Lisa is posing below with the poster before attending the Awards Gala.
Elite Edge Engineers Is Going to Washington D.C.
On April 29, 2014 Elite Edge Engineers will attend the 2014 ACEC Engineering Excellence Awards Gala in Washington D.C. to receive a National Recognition Award. This event is considered the “Academy Awards of the Engineering Industry”. Pictures of the event will be posted after we return.
Elite Edge Engineers wins ACEC awards!
Chobani continues to win accolades for Elite Edge Engineers and their design and construction partners.
Elite Edge Engineers and design partner EHM Engineers were honored this week at the annual ACEC of Idaho ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE AWARDS banquet. The firms were chose to receive first place in the category of Industrial and Manufacturing Processes and Facilities Category as well as receiving the Grand Award. The Grand Award is given for a project that has unique or outstanding characteristics and is not given every year. This year the judges noted that the design and construction of the Chobani Yogurt Facility in Twin Falls, Idaho was deserving of this distinction.
Elite Edge Engineers and EHM Engineers along with design build contractor, Tippmann Construction, architect, MSKTD, and MEP general contractor, Shambaugh and Sons, Chobani was able to begin producing yogurt in their one million square foot facility in record time. Innovative design and construction processes helped the team deliver the largest and most complex plant of its type in the world in less than one year.
Elite Edge Engineers wants to thank EHM Engineers and Tippmann Construction for including us on this incredible project. It was a pleasure to provide the structural engineering for this unique industrial building. We enjoyed working with them and producing an award winning facility that we are all extremely proud of.
New Bridge in Meridian
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